Friday, February 10, 2012

Some Updates

Hi All,

It has been a while since I have written a blog! I can say things have been very busy and I just didn't have a chance to even think about writing. In September things actually slowed down. At first I thought it could get busy with all the kids back in school but it slowed a little and I went on a search for a part time job. In the middle of the month I got hired at a local law office and have been working there two days a week. It's a nice experience and allows me to go off the property once in a while :)

Things picked up a bit in October and towards the middle we had about 20 clients for riding lessons which was fantastic to see. We went through a spurt of bad weather, so things slowed again. The first week of November I spent a lot of time working on the Christkindel Fair which was a total success! I should have a separate blog just for that, but I'll go into some detail here. What we did, was host a fair with Artisans and Crafts, as well as Pony Rides. We did this on November 12, and we had a pretty good turnout! It was steady all day. Midnight and Sunny were great, despite all the commotion. We had approximately 20 tables set up. It will hopefully be an annual event for MRS :)

I have to say, this winter has been amazing as far as the weather goes. We have had no amount of snow and temperatures have been mild. People usually get busy around Christmas time, but we rode right up until then. I decided to give the horses a break in January because I have some other projects on the go at the moment. Either way, the horses had about 6 weeks off which they enjoyed. Sunny and Midnight actually went down the road at the end of November and have been spending the winter at a huge farm with about 12 other horses. They seem to like it a lot and I go down to visit. It's a great temporary home. Thank you Faith and Sheldon for this opportunity! The two "smaller" babies will be coming back to MRS in the next month or so.

Now it's February and the time is just flying! I decided to start lessons again because the weather has been decent. Occasionally the wind picks up and it makes it tough in our indoor arena, as the tarp slams against the structure and it makes quite a bit of noise! So as I'm writing the horses are just getting back into the swing of things. The response has been great though. We have approximately 10 students already back at it. That is really great to see.

March Break Camps are also being planned now, I am looking forward to having them this year! It will give children an opportunity to spend some time around horses, but we will also be focusing on a lot of theory, which is not normally covered in regular riding lessons.

Otherwise things are going pretty good! The horses have luckily all stayed healthy and happy, that is always the only thing one can ask for. We have some big plans for this coming Summer. I will reveal them right now!

Firstly, we are going to build an outdoor ring again! Yay! We have not had an outdoor ring complete with fencing in approximately 8-9 years. The plan is to fence it all again and put a few loads of sand down. I am beyond excited for this, since we have been spending a lot of time riding indoors all these years. Mind you the indoor still is the best thing about MRS ;) It allows us to ride in the winter! This will also help me do more lessons!

Secondly, we will be using the old barn again! This is also exciting for me  because when we first moved here, there were 13 horses literally all over our property. The past 8 years, we have just kept them in the new barn. So we will be renovating the old barn and putting some fencing up around it. So essentially we will have a trail riding barn and a lesson/boarding barn. This is pretty exciting! Having these changes will allow the business to expand and we will be able to have more horses here.

These are the two main updates! It took some time to get it figured out and it will take even more time for the plans to come and be put together, however I am excited for a big summer at MRS. Here is hoping that you guys will be equally as excited to come for trails, birthday parties, camps and of course, lessons at MRS.

